Monday, March 2, 2009

Late Entry

Let us set the record straight.  Since, after fifteen hours, this has become the biggest sensation since sight was invented in the late third century, let us set the record straight.  Christopher Clark is eight years older than me.  Mathematically, he was eight years old when I was born.  Mathematically.  He began his adventure four years ago.  Four minus eight is four.  This puts me four years ahead of him.  Mathematically.  You cannot make up statistics like these.

Do you enjoy math?  In the last fifteen hours, I have posted twice.  Mr. nearly-Dr. Clark has posted once in the last three days, or seventy-two hours.  My ratio is once every seven-point-five hours.  With this post, said ratio will be impossible to calculate with the ten percent of the brain available to most humans.  Mssr. Clark's is once every seventy-two hours.  Math, my friends, pure, unadulterated, never-failing, unconditionally loving math.  

Let us dispute no more.  No more.  Mathematics.  Yes.

The jolly porter is one of my favorite places to visit.  Now I must destroy it.  Or tell you to visit it every twenty minutes.  So many thanks to Chrisopher Hermano Clark for supplanting enough envy in me to do this.

Please forgive this blog about blogs - as tedious as news reports about news reports, or car wrecks caused by car wrecks, or lawyers.

Christopher Clark can be found at

1 comment:

  1. 25 Dollars. That is how much I still owe you for that dinner in SoHo when I told you I would buy you dinner, but then my ATM card wouldn't work at the bar next door. But I feel I should drop it to $21, which is one dollar off for every time you besmirched my good name in this blog.
